•About ‘Dare To Dream’
Dare to Dream provides a forum where leaders in various industries executives share their career/business/life experiences with young professionals. It provides a unique and invaluable insight into the lives of people who have succeeded in their chosen field and serves as a motivation for others to pursue their ambitions.
Dare to Dream provides a forum where leaders in various industries executives share their career/business/life experiences with young professionals. It provides a unique and invaluable insight into the lives of people who have succeeded in their chosen field and serves as a motivation for others to pursue their ambitions.
The speakers will include career professionals as well as business people across various sectors. Listening to the experience of these accomplished individuals provides an impetus for young professionals to think critically about their career choices or business ideas.
Typically, speakers are asked to discuss challenges they have faced, crucial advice they have received over the years, leadership style, philosophies on business/life as well as general business issues.
Target Audience: 600 to 1000 potential post graduate students.
The structure of the program is as follows:
1. A professional development session with content structured around program theme
2. Mentoring sessions: A 90minute session revolving around a panel of 3 alumni representing specific sectors sharing their experiences and giving advice to audience and answering questions
3. Career/corporate speed networking: A fifteen minute gist session consisting of mentors from Corporate Nigeria and Private business owners
1.Professional Development Forum: The Speaker presents for about an hour with a variety of audio-visual aids, followed by 40 minutes of interactive, question and answer and networking sessions
1.Professional Development Forum: The Speaker presents for about an hour with a variety of audio-visual aids, followed by 40 minutes of interactive, question and answer and networking sessions
2.Mentoring sessions: Facilitator led session. Panel leading questions about life and career choices Facilitator will also coordinate questions from the audience.
3.Career/ corporate speed networking: Sessions are to be pre booked online. Individuals will choose mentors / advisors based on profile and experience. Each individual will be given 15 minutes to chat with mentor after which buzzer goes off and the session will be terminated.
•About The Development Forum
Your Dream Your Destination – A journey of discovery, challenges and fulfilment…
This session offers thought- provoking and motivational insight into what it takes to achieve your dreams. Apart from disseminating new knowledge, we will be providing a platform for participants to question ‘their current mindset’ and where relevant, feel comfortable to ‘step into the dark’ in order to achieve their individual dreams.
Your Dream Your Destination – A journey of discovery, challenges and fulfilment…
This session offers thought- provoking and motivational insight into what it takes to achieve your dreams. Apart from disseminating new knowledge, we will be providing a platform for participants to question ‘their current mindset’ and where relevant, feel comfortable to ‘step into the dark’ in order to achieve their individual dreams.
The Dare to Dream Conference (D2D) is meant to capture the mood and needs in Nigeria today. It also provides an invaluable platform to improve our nation and ensure that we make the best use of our assets and natural resources as individuals to achieve our unique goals; thereby moving our society and nation forward.
This forum will therefore be a highly interactive and participative session, with a view to creating a forum of shared group learning. It will explore the benefits of broader and culturally different learning approaches with the ultimate aim of ensuring that every participant goes away feeling empowered to achieve their goals.
•About The Mentoring Sessions
These are facilitator-led sessions with members of the panel taking and answering questions about life and career choices.
These are facilitator-led sessions with members of the panel taking and answering questions about life and career choices.
1. Qualities for Employment (Q4E)
Global skills race is intensifying and skills determine the economic future – education is key to competing in that race. There is also a significant disconnection between education systems and the needs of 21st century employers, public and private.
Global skills race is intensifying and skills determine the economic future – education is key to competing in that race. There is also a significant disconnection between education systems and the needs of 21st century employers, public and private.
Globally, businesses and organisations are looking for individuals with similar set of behaviours, skills and knowledge that can be adapted to specific work conditions and because cost of mis-recruiting is high, industry wants to recruit work-ready employees.
The tension between what academic courses that universities deliver and what is required in the workplace is intensifying. The knowledge economy requires a workforce that has flexibility and creativity at its heart.
The nature of skills demand is increasingly consistent, with businesses and organisations looking for people with a core set of transferable qualities.
During this session, participants would like to know how final year students and fresh graduates can develop the qualities (skills, behaviour and knowledge) employers are looking for.
2.The Leadership versus Management Challenge
Leadership is notoriously difficult to define, and the link with management is especially difficult. The question then is, do pure leaders have to be good managers and should every manager be an effective leader?
Leadership is notoriously difficult to define, and the link with management is especially difficult. The question then is, do pure leaders have to be good managers and should every manager be an effective leader?
Definable leadership skills exist that, when used purposefully help managers get the most from their teams. Many companies run programmes to improve the leadership skills of staff at all levels, from supervisor through to managing director. This underlines the point, increasingly understood by organisations in all sectors that leadership is not something we are either born with or not-it can be developed.
Organisations are looking for people who are both engaged and can achieve results. They want leaders, at all levels.
Becoming a successful leader means meeting some key challenges. These challenges span from what are often called ‘hard’ business-focused issues, such as vision and strategy, to ‘soft’ personal challenges such as personality and confidence. The leadership challenges are remarkably uniform across sectors and levels.
During this session, participants would like to know what makes a good leader and how middle managers can develop their leadership talent in a practical and structured way.
3.A Powerful Personal Brand is Equal to Career Success
In the past few years personal branding has been discussed exhaustively. The difference between today and over ten years ago when it was first mentioned, is the rise of social technologies that have made branding not only more personal, but within reach.
In the past few years personal branding has been discussed exhaustively. The difference between today and over ten years ago when it was first mentioned, is the rise of social technologies that have made branding not only more personal, but within reach.
Many people think that personal branding is just for celebrities such as Mike Adenuga, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, RMD, just to name a few, yet each and every one of us is a brand. Personal branding, by definition, is the process by which we market ourselves to others. As a brand, we can leverage the same strategies that make these celebrities or corporate brands appeal to others. We can build brand equity just like them.
We can also have just as much presence as most start-ups and mid-size companies and products. Social media tools have levelled the playing ground and have enabled us to reach incredible heights, at the cost of our time.
During this session, participants would like to know how they can discover their brand; understand the personal branding process, so they can start to think about what face they want to show to the world and how to position themselves for success!
•Event Details
Date: Wednesday 15 December 2010
Time: 10AM to 5PM
Venue: The New Expo Centre of the Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island
Tickets: N1, 500
Time: 10AM to 5PM
Venue: The New Expo Centre of the Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island
Tickets: N1, 500
Please note that participants are required to pre-register for each session online at http://www.bceventregister.com/dtdreg.php
There are limited spaces available for each session.
Registration commences on Thursday 25 November 2010
Registration commences on Thursday 25 November 2010
You can read more here.
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