Urban Dice Designs, an interior
design and home accessories
company, brings to you a unique
blend of Fashion, Lifestyle,
Creativity and Charity with an
exhibition tagged “Creative
This effort at showcasing and
highlighting upcoming creative
talent and growing creative
businesses in Nigeria will feature
eclectic items from Jini (fashion
designer), Ada-Esi (fabric
producer), J.Melo (fashion
designer and actor) and Lolavita
Hair (brand of hair extensions
and hair straighteners). Other
partners include Hairven (hair
products), Adanna’s Collection
(costume, jewelry and
accessories), Left Eye’s Signature
(painter/artist) and Hottieculture
(male/female jewelry).
Plan to be a part of this event as
10% of the proceeds will be
donated to Facing Africa (FA) a
charity organisation that takes
care of children with Noma, also
known as cancrum oris or
gangrenous stomatitis, a
gangrenous disease leading to
tissue destruction of the face,
especially the mouth and cheek.
The organization is currently
rehabilitating the Noma hospital
in Sokoto, Nigeria. Enjoy loads of
comfort as you shop and give
back to society!
Here are further details on the
Date: Wednesday 29 December
Time: 4PM to 11:30PM
Venue: Golden Gate, 25B Glover
Road, Ikoyi, Lagos
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