CNN Inside Africa has a special feature on Nollybooks, a new chick
lit publisher on the continent. The Founder describes her books as “Sex
and the City” meets “Mills and Boon.” Here are some excerpts from the
Nigeria’s Nollywood film industry has revolutionized African cinema, and Nollybooks is hoping to do the same for South African publishing.
Nigeria-born Moky Makura is a writer and TV presenter.
When it came to starting her own publishing company, she made it her
mission to get young women reading again.
“There are lots of illiterate people in South Africa,” she said. “They can read but don’t read.
But like any good story there’s a twist — it’s romance
without the smut. As Makura argues, “You don’t need sex to have good
“I see Nollybooks as almost having a soap opera in your hand,” Makura explained.
Read the full feature
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